Sunday 28 February 2010

Tasmania - Day 3

Today we have an easy day in front of us with very little driving.

We started the day by going to an old british prision in Port Arthur.

The first part is a museum where you can follow the life of a typical convict. This was one of the first prisons in the world to use a maximun and minimun security regimes, although they had different names back them. If you were chosen to work on a gang (usually working with timber) your life expectancy would be dramatically reduced and in most cases you would probably die in a few years.

When you enter the museum you are given a poker card that represents a real prisioner and you are meant to follow his life through prision. Let me tell you that if you happen to come and visit this prision DO NOT TAKE THE 4 OF SPADES! it represents a poor guy called William Steward that was convicted for stilling a bunch of candles and sent to Port Arthur for shoting his master. The poor lad died while working on a gang before the age of 26. Your trip throughout the museum ends there...unless you just start reading about other convicts randomly. Pretty soon you start wondering why you ended up with such a crap convict...they were some cool ones who even escaped or attempted to escape.

Then we had a guided tour around the prision and when it ended we were left to wander around for 1/2 hour where we all took a few pictures.

Initially the main building had a wheel, like the ones you see with the hamsters but obviously bigger since the idea was using the prisoners as hamsters in order to make flour. That didn't last long because they were doing shifts of 20 min and required a lot of resources in order to keep it going so they stopped using the wheel and focused on the timber business.

For the ones about to get married or thinking about it, apparently the church is not consegrated and they perform wedding ceremonies without you having to belong to any religion in particular, in case anyone is interested. ;-) The guide said it's proven to be quite a popular place for weddings but I'm not quite sure what kind of crowd gets attracted to the idea of a wedding in an old prision...makes you wonder, doesn't it? But again... some people get married dressed as Elvis Presley so what do I know!

Then it was time for the Port Arthur Cruise...which was not more than a glorified boat trip around the bay no more no less.

After lunch we headed to the Tasmanian devil conservation park were we saw our first Tasmanian devils for real!. I thought that was going to be the highlight of the park but not, after seeing how the fed them we walked about the park and got to the kangaroos area, I wasn't going to take any pictures because I already had lots of pictures with kangaroos but these were used to people and you could get really close to them, next thing we know they were eating from our hands!!

Relly cool and totally unexpected! :-)

After the park was time to visit "Devil´s Kitchen"

Then off to "Tesselated Pavement"
Which is a rock formation that looks like tiles but they are all natural.

and that was the end of the Tasmanian West Coast Tour. We went to spend the night at Hobart, the capital of Tasmania.

As it was our last day together, after dinner we all headed to the pub for a proper Good-bye.

Although we only spent 3 days togeter we got really close and had a lot of fun all together. It is really sad having to see them go, it would have been great to have them on the Tasmanian East Coast Tour too, which, by the way, AĆ­da and myself will be starting this Thursday 25th of Feb.

We ended up spending the two nights in Hobart at the Leisure Inn

The lift worked occasionally, we decided to do a laundry since when you are on the road you never know when you are gonna have the opportunity to do another. Laundry was on the 9th floor, we were on the 4th. Lifts not working, one trip for setting up the washing machine, half an hour later another for the drier, 2 hours later another to pick up all the close, plus the coming and goings from and to the hotel...I can tell you, I never climbed so many stairs in my life!

If anyone had to do that kind of exercise every time they do a laundrey they would either stink like hell or would be the fittest people ever!


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