Sunday 28 February 2010

Tasmania - Day 2

We left Bicheno at about 7:00-7:30 am and we headed for Wineglass bay.
This was a very impressive bay with an even more impressive beach.

We had two options, either climbing Mount Amos (which was about 1500 m) or going to the beach you can see on the above picture.

I decided to climb Mount Amos whereas Aída, being the fish she is, decided to go to the beach and have a swim.

You don't really need to be a professional climber but what you do need is good shoes with good grip and you'll spend most of the time climbing with hands and feet it's not a walkers walk, it's a climber's walk.

It would have been nice being able to do both since both walks were really interesting. Aída loved hers and we've had a couple of conversations of the type my view was better than yours...the issue still creeps up every now and then ;-)

The path going up the mountain wasn't the nice and easy path you see in most touristic areas, this was the kind where you had to actually climb using both your hands and feet and in some cases through some wet rock walls. The views and the rock formations were spectacular but it was a trek very prone to accidents.

The climbers in my group, right to left: David, Martin, Brita
myself and Nayeli taking the picture.

The rock formations were spectacular at times, specially the colours and the views from the top hard to match.

On the way down I was walking with Brita and Roisin and we got to a point where we were crossing a wooden bridge and none of us could remember having crossed that bridge before so we thought we had taken the wrong path somewhere.

We backtracked half a kilometer or so until we found another path and followed that one instead, by the time Roisin had eaten her first spider web we came to realise that that path wasn't used very often and we were definetely on the wrong path but as it was going in the right direction we decided to follow it, a few minutes later we got to a place not far from the road.

We made our way to the road and stopped the first car that was coming in order to ask the driver where the car park was, on our right or our left. We knew it was close but not in which direction.

It turned out the car belonged to a couple of British retirees, really nice, which offered to give both Roisin and Brita a lift to the car park (there was only space for two people). I continued my way on foot, although it only took me 5 minutes to reach the car park.

As it turned out, we were on the right path when we found the wooden bridge, had we continued through that path we would have reached the car park in no time. :-)

So that was my first time lost in the woods in Australia, although I must admit that Brita and Roisin managed to make the experience quite enjoyable. :-)

The three adventurers lost in the woods

Once we were all in the bus again we went to have lunch to another beautiful beach in Honeymoon bay. Crystal clear water. Really nice although the water temperature in Tasmania is not exactly warm. I would say that is like swimming in the Atlantic Ocean.

Another group picture, some people were missing though.
From right to left:
Brita, Aída, Martin, Kara,  Nicole, Emma, David, Nayeli, Shizuka, Kayoko

There was a moment when I decided to take the above group picture and out of the blue 7-8 cameras appeared on me

After lunch and enjoying Honeymoon bay we went to see "Remarkable caves" but before we got there, we made a stop at Kate's Berry and Chocolate farm which despite of being in a really isolated place, it was full of people.

They produce their own berries, strawberries, rasberries, etc which then use to make icecreams, milkshakes etc. The chocolate wasn't bad either. Definetely not the right place to go if you are on a diet...luckily for me I wasn't on one. :-)

"Remarkable caves" was a cave produced by the sea erosion and it's quite a long cave. The weather had turned a bit grey and it was a bit chilli to take a swim there...although I must admit I was really tempted.

From there we went to Port Arthur and on the way we stopped to take this photo:
The only place on earth where you can find this sign!

We just couldn't drive by without taking that photo! :-) The Tasmanian Devil's sign!

When we got to our destination we had dinner and played werewolf once again. I got them all hooked up with this game.  We had some really interesting games although for some reason they kept killing me at the first seems I either look very suspicious or talk to much and look guilty for that, who knows. :-)

And this goes for all the animal lovers out there:



  1. Estoy disfrutando de tu o vuestro viaje, pero tengo que reconocer que ya estoy agotada,andáis
    Pero seguiré leyendo y viendo esas fotografías
    que gracias a tu trabajo, podemos disfrutar.

  2. Es mucho viaje y a veces estamos bastante cansados pero el buen tiempo, las vistas, los lugares y la gente siempre te acaban reanimando y devolviéndote todas las energías. :-)

    Nosotros esperamos que lo mejor del viaje venga ahora con el "Outback" y el famoso "Uluru" :-)

  3. Que pedazo de foto. Ya con la primera da ganas de ir para allá.
    Que suerte
