Saturday 27 February 2010

Sydney to Melbourne - Day 2

When you start your day with pankakes and maple syrope you know you are going to have a good day. :-)

We started the day with a good breakfast and headed for the chairlift that would take us to the roof of Australia, mount Kosciuszko with a maximun altitude of 2228 m.

It's really surprising that such a large country like Australia doesn't have any higher mountains but 2228 meters seem to be the top.

We did a 2 hour walk on the top of the mountains, there is a large plato on the top that extends for several kilometers joining all the summits of all the surronding mountains. Fortunatelly it wasn't as cold as they predicted and it was a nice and easy walk,

then we took the chairlift back to the village and got on the bus.

On the first day the guide, Craig, offered us all some peaches, he had a box full of them on the back of the minibus. Someone asked him whether he had a tree at home and he reply that yes, he had lots of trees in his we learnt his backyard is the countryside.

We were going through a deserted road, and as we were getting closer to a small bridge he stopped the bus and said "you two guys in the front", grab the peaches box and come with me... so we followed him for a while wondering what was he up to this time...until we got to a tree and he just started to pick peaches up and fill up the box again, that's when we all realised what he meant by his backyard...a few minutes later the whole bus was helping out.

We crossed several National parks along the way and we stopped every so often to streatch our legs and take some pictures. Some of the roads where just dirt tracks or gravel roads with no asfalt with a big cliff on one side of the bus and enough space for just one car wide.

We got to the coast just before 6 pm, here in the south is daylight until 8 or so. The village were we stayed was called "Lakes Entrance" and today we were staying at the "Beaches resort",

We left our luggage in our bedrooms and went to have dinner to a local fish and chips shop.

After that we were free to roam around as we please so some of us decided to go and see the renown longest beach in Australia (90 miles/145Km)

Outside it was freezing cold but AĆ­da and Lars didn't even hesitate and as soon as they hit the beach, they went into the water.

Then we stayed around to take a few more pictures waiting for the sun to go down.

Then we went to the swimming pool at the resort to end the day with a night swim.

Tomorrow is yet another early start, breakfast is at 6 am so we all ended the day pretty soon.


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