Tuesday 16 February 2010

Sydney - Day 6


I think I am going to disappoint some people with this post, only 1 picture!. Today it was a very lazy day so we had a nice and easy day.

The always reliable weatherman announced clouds and sunny spells for today so in a 1.2 seconds discussion we decided to go to the beach today. :-)

We wanted to go to Bondi beach because last time we didn't spend much time on it but we couldn't find any bus to take us there directly so we opted for going back to Coogee beach. We liked it last time we were there so instead of starting to ask around about how to get to Bondi beach we just jumped into the bus to Coogee beach and half an hour later there were were.

When we left Sydney it was cloudy and it could have gone either way...sun or rain but the weatherman hadn't failed us last time so we put our trust on him and didn't disappoint us, by the time we reached the beach, it was sunny with only a couple of clouds polluting the blue sky.

On the negative side, it was very windy. Which was creating some big ass waves.

This was one of the small waves. Some looked really threatening...on the beach the wind was bringing quite a lot of sand so we ended up with lots of sand everywhere.

Have you noticed here in Australia they have a sign for EVERYTHING?!

Then we went to have lunch and took the bus back to the centre, we put all the electronics to re-charge (and they weren´t few) and we decided to re-charge ourselves as well with a nice power nap. ;-)

And that ladies and gentlemen was our day...nice and easy...we really needed the break. Now with our batteries fully charged are ready for the next part of the trip a 3 day journey from Sydney to Melbourne.

I'm not sure whether I'll have access to the internet within these 3 coming days but as always if we don't, I'll keep writing the blog entries and publish them as soon as I get an interent connection.



  1. Remember you promised me a Koala??? I also want a sign!!! your pick! whatever you prefer, but I want an australian sign!!!
    (after all I'm your favorite cousin in the worldwide world!!)

  2. Querida prima del mundo mundial, te gustará saber que una de las cosas que hice en mi primer día en Australia fué la de ¡¡comprar tu koala!! :-)

    Lo de la señal...a ver si te vale en foto porque tengo algunas buenísimas...y las que no he podido coger por ir en el bus...

  3. O sea, q mi pobre koala está haciendo más kilómetros q una maleta perdida por la Terminal 5??? Ya puedes cuidar de Horacio como es debido!!!

  4. LOL ¡Ya le tienes nombre cogido! pues que sepas que Horacio es un Koala que ha viajado mucho...y lo que le queda...
