Tuesday 9 February 2010

Back in Cairns - Day 2


Today it was an easy day, we left the hotel at about 09:30 or so, the sun was already quite strong. We made our way to town walking and by the time we got to the centre we were really hot and thirsty so we bought some water and the first thing we did was going to the swimming pool were we spent half of the morning, cooling off...we needed it. :-)

Then we walked around town trying to find a shop where I had found a leaflet for the white water rafting...after walking under this unforgiven sun for more than 15 minutees we decided to book it directly from our hotel reception... so that was it, Aída and myself were booked for the Xtreme White water rafter tomorrow morning.

There were three options. The Barrens which according to the receptionist we spoke to yesterday it was for whimps (bear in mind the guy was from New Zeland were most of the population have some defective gene that makes them adrenaline junkies) and the other two were in the Tullip river one was a grade 3 and the other a grade 4 (grade 5 is not for tourists and it should only be attempted by highly experience rafters). He recommended us the grade 4 and there was a picture on the leaflet that I think it describes the experience.

So we went for the grade 4...you only live once...besides, if it's for tourists it can't be that dangerous! so tomorrow we´ll have a busy day, the excursion starts at 6:30 am and they drop us off at the hotel again at 19:00, there is a BBQ in the middle, by the river. It looks like a good experience, time will tell. :-)

The rest of the day we spent it by the swimming pool, it was such a hot day that you couldn´t really do much more than laying by the public swimming pool in town.

A really hot day today and with the humidity it feels even hotter!

Swimming pool at dawn
Dawn at the park

The public swimming pool is in the middle of a park and the local gyms seem to take advantage of this and the good weather.



  1. Hola, veo que el clima te acompaña. Quiero pensar que no te estabas cayendo de la barca, aunque sea un grado 3.


  2. The pic with the temperature is supposed to annoy us? We're expecting snow (again) this weekend. Come back if you really want adventure.

  3. Please let's not talk about snow... and it is -9 today!!! I really need some holidays now!

  4. Pues ya se ha chafado el clima otra vez...la temperatura todavía buena pero hoy ha llovido todo el día...aunque es casi mejor que el calor de ayer. A 25 C no me importa un poco de lluvia.
