Sunday 14 February 2010

Sydney - Day 4


Today we had the perfect morning for the city tourist. Cloudy but not rainy and warm but not too hot, about 24-25 C. It would have been perfect having a hot sunny day today since the place were we spent the night was already by the beach

But after a good Croissant and a nice hot chocolate it was decided we would take advantage of the weather and use the day to walk about town. Nothing like thinking on a full stomach! :-)

So we hopped onto a regular bus and made our way back to the centre. Yesterday on the red bus we had seen a couple of areas we thought deserved a much closer look, so today we decided to go there and pay a visit to King's Cross but instead of taking the more direct route we opted for going through Hyde Park, yes, there is a Hyde Park here too...and a King's crosss and a Greenwich and a Paddington too and I bet many more places you Londoners will be familiar with.

Hyde Park Sydney
Within the park there is a monument to the fallen soldier made in honour of the soldiers who died on the First World War.

There is something that really caught my eye here in the Australian parks most of the birds I've seen so far are Cockatoos!

We passed by the same Cathedral from which we took some pictures yesterday with the fountain so today we got closer and took a few closer pictures

King's Cross is a nice and buzzing part of town, apparently it used to be the red light district back in the day but they seem to have clamped down on it and now you can only see the remanents, a few strip clubs here and there. The place is full of little shops and cafes and I'm starting to sound like the "lonely Planet", ain't I?

As it was lunch time we decided to stop there in one of the local restaurants with a nice big terrace from which we could admire the streets.
 I must admit I got a bit disapointed with the restaurant not because it was bad food or bad service or anything alongside those lines.Apart from being a restaurant it was also a pizza place which looked really good from the outside so as we were seated with the menus in our hands trying to decide what to eat, my brain was already enjoying one of the fantastic pizzas promised on the menu. When it was time to order the waitress pointed out to me that they only serve pizzas from 4pm onwards... after that any food you try just doesn't taste the same... :-(

So remember...if you fancy a pizza make sure to check your watch or you may end up disapointing your stomach as I did!

While we were having lunch the weather took a turn for the worse...not too bad it only started to rain just like the previous night, on and off. Then we walked back to the centre and went to the harbour making time until we could go to the backpackers hotel to do the check in. Despite of the rain the harbour was packed with people, far more than when we went on Friday (and it was really hot and sunny)  and today there were some street artists doing their thing

Finally we went back to the hotel to do the check in, sorted out our clothes and did a good washing/drying.

Not the most exciting day I know, but unless we do an excursion outside Sydney there isn't much more to do and visit, in between the buses and the walking we´ve been doing for the past 3 days we've seen quite a lot already. I think we are gonna be here in Sydney 3 days more than we needed. If the weather improves we'll try a 10 Km walk from one of the North beaches it has been highly recommended on the guide.

By the way as I was typing in this blog entry, a firework display started just outside were we are, by the harbour...I don't know whether this is something that happens every day or whether today is a special day but it was pretty good. What a way to end a blog entry, with fireworks! :-)

And I was wondering when would I have the chance to test the fireworks option on my camera!



  1. Qué chulo! Me encanta la foto de las cacatuas!!!
    Y la catedral se parece a la de Uppsala... spooky!

  2. ¿Las cacatúas persiguen a las personas?
    ¿Son también peligrosas?

  3. No, son totalmente inofensivas...aunque si Suz pasa por allí yo no apostaría mi dinero en esa pasividad que ahora comento...
