Saturday 13 February 2010

Sydney - Day 3


All that moaning and complaining about the heat and today as a punishment came the rain. It rained all day. Although I must admit that the temperature is still quite nice 25 C, so the rain is quite refereshing and makes it easier to walk about town.

We have some vouchers to pay for some hotels, breakfast, shuttles etc but so far they have been more of a headache than anything else. Everytime we get to a hotel or we try to used them they look at the vouchers, then they stare at us with a blank expression and say...hmmm...I think you better come back later when the manager is here... so we always end up wasting hours waiting for the right people to show up and fix things up and today it was no exception but this time I called the headquarters of the company that issued the vouchers and asked them to sort it out for us because we already wasted too much time...and they did so we are sorted with accomodation and breakfast until Wednesday when we'll go on the road on our 3 day excursion to Melbourne.

But today, apart from the bloody vouchers, everything went according to plan and the plan for today was to buy some tickets for the Sydney Explorer which is one of those red buses that go around the main places in town. This ticket also allowed us to us the Bondi Explorer (blue bus instead of the red one)
The difference between the red one and the blue one is that the blue one goes through the outter limits of the town whereas the red one only goes through the centre.

The blue one came in handy because our accomodation for today, the one we had so many problems to find yesterday, is quite far from the centre, it turned out to be by a nice beach called Coogee beach, which as I learnt from our chatty driver is an aboriginal word that describes the smell of rotting seeweed...okay, not a nice name but it sounds good and the place is quite nice. :-)

But I'm getting ahead of myself. After the Voucher fiasco, we took the red bus and stopped by the Museum of Australia

Yes, they do have dinosaurs in Australia...fortunately they are dead otherwise I bet the would be the most poisonous, aggressive and dangerous in the whole the rest of the Australian fauna.

Have a look at the skeleton behind, it was moving with me! :-)

There was also a good section about aboriginals

It wasn't as impressive as the aquarium we visited yesterday but well worth our time. :-)
and just outside the museum:

Then we went back to the centre, had lunch and waited for the blue bus.

Waiting at the bus stop. :-)

And off we went on our blue bus tour...

We stopped by the famous Bondi beach and got off the bus for a walk there

Then we hopped onto the next blue bus and we rode it until our final destination Coogee Beach

We found our accomodation
After we left our luggage in, we went for a walk

And this is what in Spain we would call "Botellón Australiano"

I must apologise for the long distance to the target on this photo but Aída didn't want to take the picture!! I only managed to convinced her when we were this far and believe me when I tell you it wasn't an easy job convincing her to pretend she was taking a picture of me and take the picture from the party instead.. I think she's got very strong feelings about paparazzi...maybe there is a story there!

All this bus travelling has reveled a couple of interesting  places we would like to visit now with some more time, so having to come all the way here has allowed us to see much more from the town we wouldn't otherwise see. It's being quite an interesting day an with the rain and all, travelling by bus was quite nice.

We don't have any plans for tomorrow, I suppose it'll depend on the weather...but we'll improvise!



  1. Estoy siguiendo tu viaje por Australia, y me gusta,hace muy poco que te descubrí,y de ahora en adelante leeré tus aventuras, es mi manera de viajar. GRACIAS. saludos. Guadalupe.

  2. ¡Y yo encantadísimo de que alguien las lea!...así me da la sensación de que no escribo para mi mismo. :-)

    Aunque no lo parezca los comentarios que dejais animan mucho.

  3. Sobre las fotos a gente haciendo cosas raras, no te vayas a creer q todo el mundo es como Sus, y se dedica a hacer fotos a bodas felizmente... y ya veo q ya has empezado tb a hacer películas, ese es nuestro chico!

  4. Me lo habeis pegado...yo no quería...pero el lado oscuro me llama...

  5. Come to the dark side... we have cookies!!!

  6. add an icecream, reduce 10% the entry fee and I'm in

  7. What could be more fun than take pictures of the things that shock you, are fun, different. Call it sneaking into a firestation, or the Vietnamese Navy waiting at the train or... people doing their daily life in pijamas.
    But it has its merit.
    PD: I can't see some pictures. snif. snif.

  8. we didn't really sneak into a firestation.. we were invited!!!... though we did sneak in the exhibits to take funny pictures with the dummies!

  9. I think what Suz wants is a bunch of pictures with the Australian safelifers! ;-)
