Tuesday 9 February 2010

Day 6 - Great Barrier Reef


Last day in the Great Barrier reef. The weather has decided to improve on our last day, and we have a fantastic blue sky and a fairly mild wind. So far all the dives I've done in the Great Barrier Reef have had a RED flag because of the dangerous currents around the diving spot and in some cases within the diving spot. I think today it was the first dive with a YELLOW flag in the whole trip. The diving spot was:

Steve's Bommie

named after a dive master who died in the 80's from natural causes. It was very similar to "Pixie Pinacle", we went down to the bottom of the pinacle at about 20 odd meters and then we went around and around at the same time we were raising our level a few meters every with every round. The place was so colourfull and so full of live. There was a huge school of yellow fish tagging along with us all the way, I hope I can get hold of some pictures because it was breathtaking, it could rival any aquarium in the world, even when we were doing the safety stop at 5 m we were surronded by lots of unicorn fish.

It was an unbelievable feeling diving among all these colourful fish!

I would have wanted to do another dive in the afternoon but my right ear has been giving me some trouble all day so I prefered not to risk it and give it a break so instead I went snorkling...with this beautiful sun we have today there was a lot of visibility so not as good as a proper dive but better than nothing. ;-)

I would really like to thank Carlos, Rhonda and Julia for their underwater pictures...without them this blog entries wouldn't be the same. :-)



  1. Que fotos más chulas. Efectivamente muy buenos estos fotógrafos... y veo que ya posas cual modelo quitándote el aire. Si es que.... como eres ya un experto "diver".

  2. Pues lo de sonreir sin el regulador no es tan fácil como parece ;-) !la próxima sin gafas ni regulador como los pros! :-) Aunque lo de experto aún queda para rato hubo un par de bajadas en las que no lo pasé nada bien... Necesito seguir practicando...y el arrecife de la costa Oeste está ya ahí...a tres semanitas de distancia. :-)

  3. ¡Reme-Dios!

    Ya sabes lo muy sufrido que soy, ¡que te voy a contar que tú no sepas!
