Thursday 4 February 2010

Day 3 - Great Barrier Reef


Let me start saying that this was without any doubt one of the worst experiences of my life. I've spent the whole morning together with my new best friend the rubbish bin, vomiting everything I ever had in my life!.

I just discovered a flaw on the seasick medication...there is a weak spot. Because you don't have anything while you sleep, if the sea is mad and wild like it was this morning when I woke up, you pop a pill and 2 minutes later you are vomiting it so there it goes the pill... after 6 hours in hell every muscle in my back was screaming in pain from spending 6 hours in the same position holding the rubbish bin, luckly we reached a point where the sea was a bit quieter and the waves subsided to a more tolerable level, I took a second pill and I´ve managed to keep it inside which it was a good timing as well since it was lunch time and I was starving and I can assure you I´ve never had, in my entire life, a stomach as empty as this morning. :-)

It was no surprise to me to find that only 1/3 of the people showed up for lunch... the sea was really rough, I fell from bed a couple of times! it was mad!

I think it goes without saying that I DID NOT GO DIVING this morning and I doubt I'll try this afternoon, I'm really tired so I'm going to stay in, lay in bed, read something and wait for the end of the afternoon when we'll head towards lizard island and it seems the sea is going to get really rough again when we do...

Reading the leaflet about this cruise I pictured it in a very different way I can tell you that! :-) Blue sky, permanent sun, quiet sea... fortunatelly when you dive it does not matter what it's like outside, yesterday on the night dive there was a storm outside, lightning included, but it was nice and cosy underwater. :-) 

We made it to Lizard Island just before night, Dave was in charge of the BBQ
Our boat attracted the attention of a couple of sharks that spend a few hours circling around our boat:



  1. That's the reason there is a Biodramina with caffeine and without!!! Before going to sleep you take the without one, and once you wake up the take the caffeine one... that's at least what Ade & Conchi did in the sailing trip...

  2. Desgraciadamente no funciona así queridísima prima del mundo mundial. La biodramina sólo funciona durante 5-6 horas con lo que si no te despiertas a las 2-3 de la manhana para tomartela cuando te despiertas por la manhana no estás bajo su mágico efecto...con lo que a sufrir toca.

  3. Y eso lo digo por pura experiencia aprendida "in situ"

  4. Sounds like you are facing a new challenge everyday! BBQ looks great. Did you try to feed the sharks... hand feed?

  5. Unfortunatelly I didn't have you at hand...otherwise you wouldn't even need to ask!
