Wednesday 10 March 2010

Kangaroo island - Day 2

Another day under Simon's sexist and discriminating rules...The first question that popped into my mind in the morning was...shall I be able to cope one more day with all his sexist crap? as I found out later that morning the answer was no and once I started I just couldn't stop myself!! I unleashed the beast from within!  Mind you, as I've discovered today mine is a nice, polite and funny beast. :-)

Anyway, the day started at "Remarkable rocks", these were a bunch of rocks with all sorts of funny shapes we spent quite a lot of time there  taking all sorts of photos.

Just before leaving we took a group photo

From left to right, last row
German couple,
Natasha (Russian girl who also spoke Spanish),
Ivana (from Macedonia),
Anja (From Germany who also spoke Spanish)

From right to left, front row
Ophelie (from France),
Nataly (from Australia),
Sarah (from Switzerland),
Jackeline (from Germany),
Jackeline's parents

After that we did quick walk along the coastline

Then we went back to the bus and I found myself with Simon and another girl who was replenishing her water bottle so I took that oportunity to highlight the fact that I had felt discriminated by him in this excursion and told him why, always politely and with a smile, the girl that was there looked at me and said yes...he's right, you've been discriminating him, Simon was caught by surprise I suppose most people just shout up and put up so this probably came as a surprise to him and  said he had been brought up that way and blah, blah, blah...I made a joke to remind him we were on the 21st century and nowadays it's all about equality and we all went back to the bus in order to go for lunch...lunch was testing time!!!

When we were about to have lunch, for my surprise, he told everyone that one of the men had complained about having to eat after the girls! 

Okay, so picture this, 3 guys in the whole group from which I was the only one who spoke english...hence, 10 girls staring at me...

so I reminded him that I didn't have any problem with girls eating before me and my problem was with him discriminating me based on my gender which was a very different thing, in the end I think he found himself in between a rock and a hard place so he told me to eat whenever I wanted so I waited until everyone finished eating to go and serve myself as I usually do. :-)

I think I should mentione this because we had a very nice group of people travelling with us in this trip and this is just an example of it, while I was waiting there for everyone to get served and eat, two of the girls came to me and offered me their plates and also their place on the queue which I think it was very nice of them, although I declined the offer and waited until everyone finished. 

I had told him not to discriminate me and he tried to turn that against me in front of the whole group so now I was determined not to let pass any sexist remark anymore and you would think...well they only have 5 hours left, how many more sexist remarks can he make?...belive me ... plenty! He just couldn't help himself and neigher could I...the worst thing is that I was starting to enjoy it! O:-)

I have to say that all this comments were always made in a lighthearted way and there even were a few jokes thrown around and people had a laugh or two about it.

After all the fun at lunch we had another interesting place to visit. A bay full of New Zealand fur seals. There were lots of them!

After the seals, we all got into the bus and after closing the doors Simon asked.

So girls, did you enjoyed that?

To which I stood up in the bus and said, Simon, as I boy I also enjoyed that very much, thank you for asking! and everyone started laughing because it was clear I wasn't gonna let him pass any now...

After that we went to a nice beach. Unfortunatelly the weather wasn't great but the beach was quite nice.

And it was time to go back to the ferry so once everyone was on the bus he told us he would be driving us to the ferry now and blah, blah, blah and that he expected a kiss from every girl, I just couldn't resist that one either so I stood up again and said, Simon I am really looking forward to our goodbye kiss. I just couldn't help myself!! This guy really got to me! I'm normally quite relaxed about everything and let everything slide specially when on holidays but this guy knew how to push my buttons.

As soon as we arrived to the ferry and he opened the bus a few of the girls took their luggage and run guess was that they weren't too keen on kissing handsome Simon.  When Simon said he wanted a kiss from every girl, Sarah, the girl that was to my right handside, looked at me with a scared face and said "I don't want him to kiss me!" and I told her she would have to be quick to disappear when he open the bus...unfortunatelly for her...she got trapped and couldn't escape her destiny!

Then 5 of us went to the local pub were we shared a few potatoe wedges and a drink for half an hour or so, that gave Sarah some time to recover from the traumatic experience before boarding the ferry.

Not only they have sea lions and New Zealand fur seals in Kangaroo island...they also have...

Although you can only see them in the winter. Nonetheless, the two signs became part of my great Australian Road Signs collection. :-) I don't have many left, I almost have the full set...although there are a couple I would probably have to wait until we are back up north in Broome or Darwin in order to get them...Quite an interesting past time, collecting Australian Road Signs. :-)

They also have a very interesting cuisine in the island, but before I show the following two photos I must warn to all potential viewers that you may find the following two pictures quite disturbing, specially if you are an animal activist of some kind.


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