Saturday 27 March 2010

Back in Perth - Day 1

We had a late start today, 9-10 am so we took the oportunity to go to a local laundery and get ours done, since by now we had heaps of dirty clothes piling up  within our luggage.

There was one nearby, 5 min walk so off we went...and 1 and a half hours later we were back with all our clothes clean and dried! :-)

As lunch time was approaching we decided to try a place AĆ­da found in her guide, specialised in Tarts, sounded good so we decided to give it a go. The place was just by a luxurious restaurant that was boasting about all the awards they had won over the years.

Unfortunatelly for them, not many customers inside...however our tarts place was almost full but people were already leaving to get back to work.

And this is one of the tarts

We found a local newspaper with some amazing pictures which inmediately attracted our attention, and it turns out that the day we left for our excursion to Albany, hell broke loose here in Perth and there was a huge storm with hellstones of the size of my fist, floodings, etc...
I took a few photos from the photos in the newspaper because they are worth it. I hope you can see the images once they are in the blog.

After lunch we decided to follow the walk recommended by the Lonely planet...some of the streets had some nice houses

We also found a nice fountain in the centre where all the kids were playing

After that we walked towards the harbour and took some snapshots of some of the most emblematic buildings in the area.

We also found some fake kangaroos. :-)

And the "London eye" in Perth

From there the walk continued towards Kings Park, final destination, but in the middle we got distracted with our conversation...fixing all the problems in the world requires great concentration, so in the end we had to take an alternative route which probably was a bit more direct than the one outlined in the guide, when we got there we did a small walk around one of the edges of the park.

 And I just found out there is an option in my camera to zoom in on the picture and create another picture from the original but zoomed in...just like this:

The wonders of modern technology! :-)

And that was it...nice and relaxing day which is just what we needed after the odd excursion to Albany. Tomorrow is Rottness island by bicycle!, no rest for the wicked! :-)


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