Tuesday 30 March 2010

Back in Perth - Day 5

Today we got up without a plan. Aída told me she would never go back to Kings Park, mind you, nothing against the park itself, it's got to do with the distance and the climb to it (it's quite far from our accomodation), after doing it twice, she didn't feel like going back there yet again so when we checked the weather... 30 C, we stared at each other and said...Beach!  :-)

You can never go wrong with the beach, specially in a glorious day like  this one, and now that we know Cottlesloe as if we were born there it was the obvious choice.

I'm afraid this isn't going to be one of those posts with lots of pictures, however I am sure it will delight all of you wearing a coat today. :-)

Wish you were here!

I can honestly say we didn't do anything else apart from being on the beach, well Aída was on the beach all day (mostly in the water), after lunch I went to the park and layed down in the shade, it was way too hot for me on the beach. That was our day at the office today. :-)

Over the past 2 months or so I came across some things that really caught my eye...or my ear in some cases and here is one of them, probably the best one:

The most colorful missuse of a word in Australia.
Do you know how they call the flip-flops over here? you wouldn't guess so let me help you... Thongs!
yes, that's right!, like in bikini thong, not sure how they call the bikini thongs though.

You can imagine my surprise back when we were in Tasmania about to climb a mountain and the guide tell us.

"You cannot climb this mountain wearing thongs! If you are wearing thongs go back to the bus and get changed!"

I remember at the time thinking...wow!...that's a bit too personal, isn't it?
and then wondered about the possible reason why you wouldn't be able to climb a mountain wearing a thong... 

Then the penny dropped!! :-) Live and learn...

Nonetheless, I still crack up when someone asks me whether I'll be wearing thongs today...


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