Friday 12 March 2010

Back in Adelaide - Day 3

After the disapointing excursion we did yesterday we had to do something nice today to compensate so we decided to go for a bycicle ride along the Murray river in the morning and to the beach in the afternoon.

The weather was with us today, in the morning it was quite warm but cloudy so it didn't feel hot, just perfect for a bycicle ride and in the afternoon it opened up and we had a perfect blue sky with 29 C.

Today in the morning I made it to the kitchen just in time to avoid the *pancake rush hour* so I had the time to make a few nice pancakes  to start the day with energy.

At 9:30 or so we went across the road to the bike hire place and after leaving my british driving license and Aída´s passport we were handled a couple of bikes, a helmet each and a lock, all for free! :-)

We headed to the river and from there we just followed the cycling path along the river towards the beach. The views were fantastic and the path was very quiet with a runner or cyclist every so often. If you happen to come to Adelaide one day check it out it's free, nice and relaxing.

The next photo looks like taken from one of those holiday brochures

Then we went back to the Central market to meet up with Ophelie and have some lunch before heading for the beach.

The tram system is a bit bizarre, we didn't know how to get the tickets or how much they were so we ended up asking around to several people until we found out how it all worked. You just hop in and wait for one of the drivers to ask you for the ticket and you purchase it on the spot...initially we were a bit worried that we may end up with a huge fine for not having the ticket but that seemed to be the way everyone was doing it and we didn't have any problems. Prices vary depending on the time of day though. After 6 pm they double in price.

Anyway, we hopped onto the tram and travel towards the beach for about 20 minutes or so. The beach was in Glenelg Moseley Square, which was the  last stop as well.

It turned out that Glenelg is quite a nice spot, not just for the beach but also for lunch or dinner.

Ophelie and Aída posing against their wishes. O:-) They really have a lot of patience with me taking pictures of everything all the time.

And the beach wasn't too bad either, even the water had a tolerable temperature! :-) We were pleasently surprised.

Nice and relaxing day just before a 6 day excursion throughout the outback. I believe we are even gonna sleep rough a couple of nights and another night in a cave... looks interesting. :-)

At last I'm going to use the bloody sleeping bag I've been carrying along all the way from Cairns!

It seems Aída and I are not the only ones that know about McDonalds free Wifi, check this out! I took it last night.

Everyone in the room is using a laptop and you can't see Aída and myself on the bottom right corner, also with our laptops. :-)

Aída was rolling her eyes when I took the above picture, trying to hide her face, like saying "how you dare to take a picture of everyone here!" and a couple of people looked at me when I took it but most were too concentrated on their laptops to even notice a odd looking character taking a weird photo of them all. :-)

Well, tomorrow we´ll have an early start, we'll be leaving Adelaide at 6:20 am and it is very likely I won't be able to update the blog for the next 6 days or so, but hopefully I'll be keeping my diary up to date so as soon as I get an internet connection I can update you all with the lastest news from the way there is a cyclon going around in the outback, we may hit 50C or it may be raining everyday...we'll see. :-)


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