Friday 19 March 2010

Adelaide to Alice Springs - Day 2

Except for two people (me included) everyone else decided to go for a camel ride this morning. I am not very keen on 4 leg beasts.

After the camel riding the bus came back to the hotel to pick the two missing passengers up. :-)

As soon as we all got into the bus, we got out of the hotel and a police car stopped us. He was waiting for us! It seems one of the three groups in the hotel made some noice at night and he was waiting for us like a hawk. He fined our driver and put a yellow sticker on it. That yellow sticker meant, the bus had 24 hours to repair the default and we couldn't leave the area. If the default does not get repaired within 24 hours the vehicle would get immovilised.

The "default" was the frame of one of the lights that wasn't aligned with the other one, just a little bit bended and one of the headlights had blown off (which we had a spare for) but obviously not for the frame.

We are still working out what's gonna happen tomorrow.

In the meantime as all the excursions we were meant to do today were within this region we continued with the normal program and activities. Hence we went to have lunch

and for our amazement we found a kangaroo who joinned us for lunch. A Very friendly fellow.

Once fed and satisfied we went for a walk. Now, I am not sure whether the guide is trying to get us to adapt to the heat and to drink lots of water or it was just a problem with the schedule and the time we wasted with the police situation but walking at 2 pm with 30+C is not what I would call a nice walk. Nonetheless it was a short walk, perhaps 2-2.5 hours return and it had some nice views but as yesterday, there wasn't anything really remarkable

After that we went to Kanyaka homestead historic site, when we got there we saw a few ruins of a building that had seen better days so before getting off I asked the guide what was that we were supposed to see on those ruins and she said...that they had about 200 years, and honestly, my great grandmother's house was older than that so I couldn't figure out what was all the fuss about and as I can't keep my mouth shut I kept asking, yeah only 200 years but what is it that make them special and worth it? to what she replied...they are some of the oldest buildings in Australia...

Ooooops! I hadn't thought of that...I lowered my head and went to take a picture just to avoid looking unappreciative...and here it is a photo of some of the oldest ruins in Australia.

Maybe I am too used to be amazed by what I see, nature wise, that every time we stop I expect a lot... O:-)
In this case...tell me, really, would you have stopped for those ruins?

And with that we went back to Quorn.


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