Tuesday 30 March 2010

Back in Perth - Day 6

I never get tired of saying this but... another glorious day today!... 32C

Tomorrow we start the longest tour we are going to do in Australia, Perth to Broome, 10 days all throughout the Western Coast of Australia, mostly in the outback, so as always it is very likely there won't be any posts for the next 10-11 days although once back into civilization I'll endevour to post all the missing blog entries as soon as possible so to be up to day again.

This is the part of Australia we were both (Aída and myself) really looking forward to. It is also the whale shark season so apart from swimming with dolphins and giant turtles we may get the chance to swim with the very friendly whale sharks too!

So today is a packing and getting ready kind of day. Laundry day, since this is probably the last time we can use a washing machine and a drier within the next 2 weeks or so, last minute shopping and in my case the search for the missing road sign...yes I saw a new road sign I haven't got yet and I suspect I know where it is but it has eluded me so far...so today is the day, it's either today or never!

After the laundry duties we went to have lunch and then it was time for me to improve my powernap technique. I'm hoping it'll become an olympic discipline in London 2012, I'll be taking the gold medal without breaking a sweat!

We kinda had a small accident at the laundry which made a few of our T-shirts practically unwearable, hence Aída went to do some shopping and I went in search of the missing road sign. I suspected where it was so today I just went there, directly and...

I found it!!, now, you'll have to forgive the photographer...based on the angle of the photo you may think the photographer was one of Snowhite's dwarfs, not quite, as my usual photographer was trying to buy some close to replace what she lost in the laundry accident this morning, I was on my own and there was nobody around who could take the critical shot so I used the timer function on my camera, put it on the grass up-right, pressed the button, run to the sign, adopted the standard position and... Click! another road sign that joins my collection!

I know is difficult to imagine but finding a new road sign is the same feeling you get when you find a 20€ note in your pocket that you didn't know you had. :-) 

There was a nice pond and lots of waterbirds around

And a nice view from Perth. :-)

Some other interesting facts about Australia... if you are Australian you may think this is the most normal thing in the world, but for the rest of us...it is not! :-)

Did you know they do not have Burger King?
Nope... instead they have...

yep, it looks like Burger King, it smells like Burger King, they serve the same menus than in Burger King but it's Hungry Jacks!! for some reason in Australia decided to change the name from Burger King to Hungry Jacks...

Another interesting fact. If you wanna buy some alcohol in Australia you don't go to an off-license, nope...you go to a bottle shop but here comes the kicker. Most bottle shops are, get this: drive-in bottle shops

That's right you are encoraged to drive your car there to pick up all the alcohol you need...but hey! don't drink and drive mate!

Another fact...there is no...good morning, good afternoon, good evening...it's all:  G'Day!
and they use it a lot...if you walk about anywhere and think you can pass someone by without a G'day...you'll be disappointed. :-) I think it's a good thing what they have going here. :-)

And something that I've noticed while going through the roads in Australia, specially in the outback, all drivers greet each other when passing each other by, and kids on the road sign the truck drivers (specially road trains) to blow the horn and funny enough they usually do! it's great fun! but I suppose when you don't see any other car for miles and miles you are just happy to find one and if you stop in one of the very few road stations...everyone will be happy to have a chat with you, most people there have been driving for days without any human contact...at least not more than ordering a coffee or a red bull if it's a tour guide.

And tour guides seem to follow a highly strict diet of Red bull and M&Ms
They all do...

Well that's all for today, tomorrow we'll be leaving at 06:45 (I almost complained about the late start). ;-) After being used to getting up at 04:00... anyway, you all take care and hopefully I'll be back in 10 days with lots more photos and interesting stories about Western Australia. :-)


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