Sunday 21 March 2010

Adelaide to Alice Springs - Day 6


You could say today was a complete wash up. Today was the day that was marked in all our calendars, the day when we would all be heading to King's Canyon, the highlight of this excursion.

Bee received instructions from headquarters not to go as there was still quite a lot of water and the floodings hadn't gone down enough to attempt the trip.

As we found out later that night, some excursion went there and didn't find any problems which left a bitter taste in our mouth.

Nonetheless we tried to do the best out of a disappointing day. Our first stop was in what is known as fooluluru because it fools many people into thinking it is uluru, from the distance it has many similarities.

The landscape doesn't look like what you would expect from a desert but you should bear in mind we are in the raining season now and last year they had 70mm of water in the whole year, last month they had more than 300mm hence all the green

So it's quite rare to see all this green in the outback, it's kind of a  once every 15 year experience.

From there we went to see the Finke river, one of the oldest rivers in the  world, which is has been dried for several thousand years but as it happens, due to the latest rainfall, it had plenty of water now and there was a family there having a swim.

And when we were just about to enter in Alice Springs, look what a found! Another nice road sign to join my collection. :-)

And then we just entered in Alice Springs

It was lunch time so we went to the old telegraph station which now is a park.

After lunch we went to the East MacDonnels (King's Canyon is on the West MacDonnels). Our first stop was at Emily gap

Next stop: Jessie gap

Next stop: Corroboree rock conservation reserve

Bee was always making fun of us for wearing the "tourist hats", i.e. the fly net and we always admired all the guides that we thought were capable of going about their business without being bothered too much by the flies, we thought perhaps with time you get used to it and they don't bother you anymore...until yesterday when we spoted Bee stopping the bus and running into a shop to buy something...later we learnt it was an anti flies cream which all guides use...and keep as a secret from us now you know...if you come to fly country, there is a cream you can use instead of the "tourist hat".

Today while Bee was explaining the mountains formation a flying source of proteins flew right into her mouth, she coughed for a while and eventually had to drink to swallow it... it seems the cream doesn't offer full protection after all. ;-)

We then went back to Alice Springs, were dropped off at our respective accomodations and then we all met up for dinner. The last supper.

This is Team Sweden's version of the classic film, the good the bad and the ugly. (Josephine on the left, Linda on the right)

Linda also tried going blond for a while with Chloe's help. (Linda the blond, Chloe the hair).

I still have another 3 days to post but tomorrow we start another excursion. Perth to Adelaide which will last for 3 days so as usual I'll probably be off the internet for 3-4 days at which point I'll resume the posting from where I left it.

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