Tuesday 2 March 2010

Back in Melbourne - Day 1


The cabin was fantastic! I cannot say this loud enough. Remembering the night with the "Ocean recliners" still makes me shiver and comparing that experience to last night...

It's almost like the first time we travelled as cattle and this time like people, what a difference!

Nothing like booking things in advance and take advantage of a good bargain when there is one! :-)

Back in Melbourne. It was quite early in the morning when we got here, 7 am. We went into a local supermarket/coffe shop that was by the tram stop and order some breakfast...we noticed they also offered free wifi so we took advantage of it and hooked up our computers to the wireless network. One hour later, with our emails checked, blog entries uploaded etc, we hopped onto the first tram that came by and went to the backpackers hotel to check in.

It was too early to get a key to the room (room of 10 this time), so we left our luggage in the locker room and went for a walk around town,

The train station at Flinders Street is a really remarkable building

 Had dinner at a local Nando's and went back to leave our things in the room and pick a good bed. :-)

You don't wanna be in front of the door or they'll be waking you up all night, nor too close to the fan or you'll freeze to death, nor too close to the window or the noise won't let you sleep...clearly you need some bad experiences to help you work out what's the best spot for you. :-)

We had a good nap after lunch, went for a short walk and we went to have dinner to a fantastic Indian restaurant

Really nice curry. :-)

Melbourne is a very vibrant city, probably not as tourstic as Sydney but should I have to pick one to live in...I would probably pick Melbourne. The commuting in Sydney looked like something to avoid.


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