Friday 3 September 2010

Cyprus - Day 1 - The arrival


It was a long flight, 4 and a half hours but it felt even longer and I am not sure why.

Eventually I got to Cyprus late at night, 11 pm local time (we are 2 hours ahead of England and only 1 ahead of Spain).

For some reason the police scanning the passports were letting everyone  go with a quick glance at their photos but not, no, nooo... It almost looked like a sketch from a comedy, they guy pulled out a magnifying glass (I kid you not!) and checked my passport with a lot of detail... the same thing happens every time I go to any European airport, they scan it 3 times,  they don't seem to like my passport, no problems anywhere else...but in Europe they just don't like it.

Maybe because it was issued in London or maybe because it's Spanish...not sure what... 

Eventually after checking every stamp I had on my passport and after checking the photo against my face time and time again he decided to let me go... I almost confesed to a killing right there on the spot, with all the scrutiny and the checks... Seriously, I felt like one of the most wanted! I think Osama Bin Laden wouldn't have  had a tougher time at the queue.

Alex was waiting for me outside. He had spent the whole afternoon/evening working as a taxi driver, picking up guests, perhaps if one day the software development business stops paying the bills he may have an oportunity here as a driver...he won't lack the demand! that's for sure.

The airport was about an hour away from the villa where we were staying. I believe we'll be moving out either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to yet another villa, apparently posher than this one. :-)

As it was late night when we got to the Villa we just nibbled something and went to bed so I'm afraid I don't have much to report for this first day.

The weather is nothing like England. Sunny and really hot, 30C even at night!

View from the back of the villa:

Views from the front


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