Wednesday 22 September 2010



The lodge where we were staying was pretty cool and the most amazing thing about that place is that there were almost more wild animals inside the lodge than outside... they even had a few elephants crossing through the previous night (you could see the spores they left behind).

The rooms didn't look like anything special from the outside

But on the inside, they were quite alright, actually. The one you can see on the picture above and the two below belong to Ina's room. It even was by the swimming pool!. She had the best room!... or so we thought until the night came and the toads started to sing... all night loooooong... she was the only one who didn't sleep at all because of the noise. We were all quite jealous when we saw her room... not so much when we saw her face the following day...

The room is the one at the end...
As you can see there was a lot of trees and grass all around us

Which attracted many wild animals... like
Wild boards
and springboks
Just to name a few of them... there were lots of different birds as well and the place was just by the river Limpopo, right on the border with South Africa
The river below is the Limpopo river and the other side of the river is South Africa, we were still in Botswana... as you can see it wouldn't be difficult to enter South Africa illegally... in fact you may get there by accident if you go for a stroll...
We managed to see a sizeable zebra and wildebeest herd coming to the river to drink

It was an amazing place to stay and rest after the Kalahari experience... it really felt like civilization... but within a natural environment, i.e. we had running water and electricity (we went for many days without it), even hot water!  but at the same time you could see all these wild animals around you...

We only spent a couple of nights there though... the following day we were on the move again, destination: Kruger National Park

This is the place where the below amazing video was taken... if you've never watched it before...stay until the end, it's really worth it... no special effects, just being at the right time in the right place...

Amazing wasn't it? Well that was our next destination although our expectations weren't as high as what you can witness on that video...


  1. y lo mejor de todo es que al final de todo el jaleo el pequenhín se salva... hay que verlo para creerlo
