Monday 19 April 2010

Perth to Broome - Day 8

Last night was really good, I actually got to sleep really well. If you remember, some people were calling me Yoda like the green little man from Star wars, and when we woke up Rob looked at me and said, how did you managed to sleep with the snoring?,

what snoring? I said

To what he replied. I can't believe you didn't hear sounded like Dark Vader...I felt like I spent the night between Yoda and Dark Vader! ... it looked like my new name was sticking... :-)

Just to top up the good sleep, We even had pancakes for breakfast today!

This is our last day in the fabulous Karijini park. Not many people know this place but it is one of the nicest places I've seen in Australia.

The first gorge we visited was Weano gorge and as you'll be able to gather from the photos below, the access to the first pool wasn't exactly easy, nor the safest spot in the park either.

It seemed we weren't the only ones enjoying the pool...

From there we went to the Oxer lookout.

Next spot for today, after lunch was hancock Gorge, again not the easiest access but like this morning, worthwhile the effort.

Difficult access, some climbing and spider walk but really amazing place! I would have loved to spend a week in Karijini, it really felt like 2 days weren't enough.

PHOTO warning
PHOTOS Hancock gorge

Unfortunatelly we had to cut the visit short, one of the girls in the group started to have some heart problems and one of the guys dislocated a shoulder when trying to warn the guide about the girl with the heart we made our way back to the bus, although I bet it wasn't easy to climb the ladder with a dislocated shoulder. He must have been in a lot of pain but said nothing in the whole trip back...not a sound...

We went back to the camping spot, and we all organised ourselves to prepare dinner while the guide drove the two injured to the nearest hospital, 100 Km away.

The guy with the dislocated shoulder had to spend the night there to take some x-rays and then get the shoulder into place, the girl started to feel better and made it back home.

And that was the expectacular end to an otherwise fantastic day!


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