Tuesday 27 April 2010

Litchfield & Kakadu - Day 3

Last day in Kakadu. We had a good tropical storm last night and when we woke up in the morning we found all the ground flooded (although our tents were still dry). So after our previous experiences, we quickly realised that today it would be a flip-flop day. No trekking boots.

The photos below are from the morning, although it may appear to be from the evening...that's what you see when you get up at 5am in the morning after a tropical storm... pitch dark and all flooded.

The first stop was in Yurmikmik, there we went to see the motorcar falls. The weird name comes from an old car that was left behind and people started using it to give directions, such as...yes walk until you find the motorcar and then turn right and continue for 50 metres...and from using it all the time the name stuck. Motorcar falls.

As always, warnings first...

It seems there maybe salties as well... Although before they open this section of the park they always go with a boat searching for salties and if they find any, they capture it and take it to a crocodile sanctuary.

And of course, the insect photo for today is:

Then we went to yet another waterfall even more impresive than the previous one.

Typical warnings

And the waterfall

Then we went to a local petrol station to have lunch.

and there they had a small shop where they were selling all sort of stuff...like this:

This product is illegal in Europe, the maximun DEET allowed in any product in Europe is 45%. DEET is highly toxic...but here you can find it...and if you are someone like some of the people in our tour, you may appreciate this illegality. Some people had more than 50 new bites every morning...They looked like they went to a mosquito party and they were the desert!

I can't complain. Only one mosquito bite in 3 days. :-) without any repelent nor long sleeves.

I'm telling you, they just don't like my blood, I must be an acquired taste...clearly not for all mosquitos, a bit like vegimite. Don't know what vegimite is?...you're so lucky! if you're british you are probably familiar with Marmite, vegimite is the Aussy response to marmite...but with an extra degree of disgustness... If you see the stuff in a shop near you...RUN!!! and don't look behind...

Anyway, after lunch we were driven again to our accomodation in Darwin. The Cavenagh, where Sharon and Alan were waiting for us. :-)



  1. Pues no me parece mala idea que te compraras un par de esos paa futuras excursiones... te recuerdo que a los mosquitos en Vietnam sí que les gustábamos!!! Al menos Sus y yo!!!

  2. Eso os pasa por tener una sangre rica y nutritiva. :-)

  3. Al final se lo vas a tener que agradecer al guia que os tuvo a dieta de sandwiches guarros que no te piquen los mosquitos... :-D

  4. Este guía no, este fué bastante buen guía...y nos dió de comer y cenar en condiciones. :-)
