Saturday 17 April 2010

Perth to Broome - Day 7

I think the Karajini National Park is the best place we've visited in the whole 3 months we've been in Australia! and we've seen quite a lot...

The pools among the gorges are totally amazing! you have to see it to believe a place like this exists. Photos don't make it justice.

We didn't expect such an amazing place here in the middle of the outback and probably that is what makes it even more impressive if possible.

The day started quite early for me, at about 4 am or so. I woke up to what I thougth it was an earthquake to find out later on after my heart stopped pounding that it was one of the guys in the tent snoring...God, was he loud! I would swear the earth was moving.

There was no chance I could possibly sleep so close to the epicentre of the earthquake so it occurred to me I could go and sleep on top of the bus, away from snakes and some other deadly creatures that would make my night an even more eventfull night.

So I packed my swag not without noticing Rob had already abandoned the earthquake affected area earlier than me...

After a couple of tries and a few moves you can only see in a circus show I managed to climb to the roof of the bus with my swag just to find Rob there sleeping like a baby taking the whole space... okay, so another couple of circus moves and made it back to the ground...I walked about the place wondering where could I spend the next 2 hours without getting killed by some deadly animal and decided to sleep on one of the tables...not the most glamorous place but it would do...extended my swag, got into my sleeping bag and by the time I tried to sleep again, I had so much adrenaline in my body from climbing up and down the bus that I found it impossible to sleep again...

To be fair with the guy snoring he had always booked private accomodation and in this occasion he had no choice but to sleep with everybody else and it's not something he could control.

The following day we would have a few more tents available to us in a camping spot nearby and he offered to spend the night there so the snoring stopped being a problem altogether.

I took the opportunity in the idle moments of the morning to go and take some sunrise pictures. Believe me, I had plenty of time to wander around! I probably looked like an earthquake victim taking pictures of the affected area though...

As soon as everyone was ready we got into the bus and drove to Dales Gorge

First we headed for Fortescue falls, as everywhere we go, there are signs reminding you about the 1000 different ways in which you can die in Australia.
so we ignored it and started walking...
Do you remember the big ass termite nests that were all over the place in the outback?
Well, this is how they start:

PHOTOS Fortescue falls

and among the trees and the rocks, paradise...

Even in this nice and quite places you find snakes...there are everywhere!

Then another short walk and we got to yet another amazing pool
caught in the air

Then we went to have lunch and guess what...we went to another pool! with a nice walk to get there first.

and yet another place...

We had a couple of those new cameras that can go underwater (just for a few metres) and we started to take silly photos underwater...this is what we look like underwater! Warning, if you are looking for pictures were we all look good and glamorous look' ve been warned.

AĆ­da underwater
Simon underwater

Yago underwater
 Laura underwater

Then it was time to have dinner and go to bed, we still had one more day in Karijini park!

Unfortunatelly I had to leave out lots of pictures otherwise it would have taken me a week just to do the two posts from the Karijini National Park. It's really a shame because there are lots of nice pictures there...perhaps it'll be worth doing another post one day with all the photos that didn't make it to the blog. :-)


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