Tuesday 27 April 2010

Back in Darwin - Day 1

We had a quiet and lazy morning which I used to go around town to find out a little bit more about what this town has to offer and I stumbled across Government House.

Nice one... Just by one side of it there was a plaque with an inscription explaining a little bit of the history of Darwin.

It seems the same 4 Japanese aircraft carriers that iniciated the attack on Perl Harbour, also attacked Darwin 10 weeks later. 292 people died on the attack and it seems they weren´t prepared for it and the whole harbour and the ships in it got completely demolished after the attack.

You never hear much about Australian involvement on the II World war but they did suffer many casualties and fought on the pacific front.

After the walk, it was library time...remember, free internet! :-)

And then it was dinner time so we went back to the Vic to claim our free dinner once more. :-)

After dinner the games commenced...The first one was to flip a jug and try to get it to fall on eithe the top or the bottom, if it falls on the side you lose.

I got really lucky and I managed to do it. I could tell you it's all in the wrist but the truth is that I have no idea how I did it.

Then there was another one in which they would trim down a 6 pack carton and you would have to pick it up with your teeth without using your hands (your hands couln't touch the ground either)... you can see me on the last stage of this game. :-)

Children! do not try this at home! you can get seriously injured...I had to hop my way to the hotel after that...

Unfortunately, I was competing against Mr Yoga Master so I never had a chance, the guy would just spread his legs as much as needed and pick it up with no effort whatsoever... but it was quite fun, and at least I made it to the final. :-)

Other Photos from the night. The Cocacola gang!


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