Friday 3 February 2012

Day 14: Westport - Lake Mahinapua

An unexpected find. Blue penguins!...haven't seen them but at least I got the road sign for them. :-) Another road sign to join the collection.

We started the day with a morning walk but just as I was about to start the walk look at what I've found:

It's called Weka also known as the "Maori hen" although they can't fly they are pretty quick... if you don't believe me try to catch one...better than going to the gym!!

Apparently they used to be widely spread all over NZ but now they are quite rare...

The walk was quite nice and this walk along with the ones we did afterwards reminded me the famous Ocean Road in Australia since the landscape it's very similar...

Then on our way to our second walk the driver Cam starts slowing the bus and calling my name. I looked up and I saw the penguin sign in the far distance.

Yes of course I had spoken to him (the driver) about my weird fetish with road signs. O:-)

Before the second walk we stop at a viewpoint by the road

and then we got to our second walk

At the end of the walk there was a nice beach...but not the kind you may wanna have a swim in.

The beach

then on the way back

And then we had yet another walk... probably the best of the three

Check out the rainbow!! (next 3 photos)

You could only see it after the wave hit the rocks

if you have a little bit of imagination try this

and now the originals

And the walk continued...

Then a quick trip to the lake (Mahinapua)

We finally made it to the oddest accomodation of all. There was this pub in the middle of nowhere...well...pretty close to lake Mahinapua. The owner is 87 years old... and here you can see him making dinner for everyone

And dinner wasn't bad (specially when you don't have to cook it yourself for a change)

this is the pub from the outside

And when I saw this I didn't know what to make of it... but keep that image in mind as I'll get back to it another day.

We went to see the sunset

Then came the costume party. Theme: Under the sea... no pictures available though. :-)

A long day... and tomorrow we'll be heading for Franz Josef

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