Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 11: River Valley - Wellington

After a good night sleep in River Valley we were offered several activities like white water rafting, horse riding and golf...  They don't come cheap like everything else in NZ.

If you have been reading my blog for a while you probably know by now that me and horses do not go together O:-)  golf is not my cup of tea so the only option left was white water rafting but As I had already done it when I was back in Australia I thought I would be better off saving the money for some other activity somewhere else... I still have quite a few days in front of me.

The wheather was overcasted but as I got up earlier I decided to go for a walk in the nearby mountains. Rieke decided to come along with me as there wasn't much else to do if you didn't join any of the activities they were offering.

First we had to cross the "bridge" although it wasn't exactly a bridge... check it out!

Yes that thing in the middle is how you cross the river. You propel yourself with the ropes although if you take it high enough you can travel almost all the way to the other end by sheer force of gravity.

This is Rieke crossing the river at full Speed.

Once on the other side I followed the only track I found that took me all the way to the top of the mountain...

The views were fantastic

The end of the track was a bit disappointing though

As I didn't want to be shot on hunting grounds I turned around and headed back for the lodge.

As soon as we made it to the lodge the rain made its appereance which in turned brought the people doing the horse riding back to the lodge pretty quickly. The white water rafting guys probably didn't even realised it was raining since you end up spending more time inside the water than outside.

Once inside the warm lodge we spent the rest of the morning chatting among ourselves... until it was time to go to Wellington.

Wellington is considered the best 4th town in the world to live in, not sure what criteria they use to decide that but the little I got to see of this town looked nice and peaceful

Some people will spend a couple of days in town while the rest of us will keep going. It was sad to say good bye to some people but that's one of the problems of having a very tight schedule. I cannot spend any more days than the ones specified on the standard trip. Otherwise I would have spent one more day in Taupo and another one in Wellington.

Anyway, on my way back to Auckland we stop again at Wellington (later afternoon again) so I'll probably have another chance to enjoy this town.

Tomorrow will be our first day on the South island. We'll be crossing Cook's Strait in the morning with the ferry.

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