Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Australian Movies


The other day while going through the photos from the Australian trip I realised I had quite a few videos as well that I couldn´t publish at the time due to bandwith limitations. But now I have no such limitations. :-)

So why not doing a post with all the videos?

So fasten your belt and get ready for some moving action! Nothing spectacular I must admit but you may find some quite interesting. The first video was taken on the trip from Sydney to Melbourne - Day 3.

As usual,  my camera does not allow me to take photos from long distances so I had to get pretty close in order to take a picture from the below kangaroos...but as soon as I started to get any closer they would jump away so if I wanted to capture them with my camera I would have to make it as a movie and this is the result:

The below second and third videos were taken in Tasmania while visiting the Tasmanian devil conservation park. I took a few photos from the tasmanian devils but you can't really appreciate how mean they are from a photo. A video however, it's another story. :-)

The below two cute things spent half an hour going at each other, unfortunatelly I only captured a few seconds but you can hear the sound they make when fighting.

The next one is my FAVORITE. Pay no attention to the image, only the sound it's important. Do you remember the talking toilet I blogged about when I was in Adelaide ?
See to believe!

Dangerous if you spend more than 10 minutes inside...the door unlocks...

The next set of videos were taken in Kangaroo Island - Day 1. If you like sea lions or seals you are in for a treat!

Momma sea lion and her calf.

They like to play too!

I also made a few movies of the New Zealand fur seals on Kangaroo Island - Day 2

Looking for Momma. A baby seal spent quite a lot of time looking for his/her momma, in the following 3 videos you can see him/her searching desperately all over...

The next video was taken at the pinnacles in the trip Perth to Broome - Day 1

I've noticed that all the photos I was taken weren't making justice to the place, in this video you can appreciate the magnitude of the area and how many pinnacles there were...although you can only see a small section of the area.

The next one is from our 3rd day on the trip Perth to Broome. Feeding the dolphins. Although it may not look like it, these are wild dolphins.

The next three videos were from when Aída, Sharon and Hitome when to see the whale sharks (Perth to Broome - Day 5)

And that was it ladies and gentlemen. All the videos I had from Australia. It took a while to upload them all but I hope you find them worth it of your precious time. :-)


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