Monday 12 April 2010

Perth to Broome - Day 5

Today for the first time in the 5 days we've been on this tour we had a late start. 10 am so everyone took the oportunity to have a lay in...specially knowing it would be the last, tomorrow we start again with the early starts and the long rides.

Today however it was one of those few and rare occasions where you can just relax and enjoy the place.

As I mentioned yesterday some people went to see the whale sharks and for that they had to get up pretty early and the rest of us took it easy, had a long and relaxing breakfast

Front to back on the left:
Irene, John, Simon
Front to back on the right:
Manu and Scott

I had some time to walk about and take some pictures of our accomodation

and at 10 am we left towards the Ningaloo reef. In the morning we stopped at a nice beach,  
can you spot the tourists?

The beach was quite nice although the snorkling wasn't very good there.

It was pretty windy so the kitte surfers started to pour in

and there wasn't any coral around so not a great place to snorkel but a very decent beach.

After enjoying the beach we went to Tourquose bay were we had lunch first and then enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.

On the background Rob taking some random picture of something

The snorkling on this beach was totally amazing!, the coral was so shallow you could almost reach it with your hand from the surface. The place was full of all kind of fish, I even saw a small mean black fish attacking another bigger fish and pushing him off his territory... it was small but he meant business... amazing stuff! and the best part was that there was a pretty strong current so we just had to drift and let ourselves go.

It's really a pitty the water is not as warm as on the east coast, here is more like 22-24C not bad but after 1/2 hour in the water you start feeling cold and that's the end of your snorkling.

The above photos don't make justice to the place, honestly it was absolutely amazing!

After the beach, we went to Vlaming head for the sunset. The weird name is Dutch, in case you were wondering, although the Brits colonised Australia, the Dutch were the ones who discovered Australia but failed to take advantage of it. Nonetheless in the Australian cartography, specially on the coast there are lots of Duch names, in the interior however they tend to be aboriginal names though.

I decided to improve on my sunset technique and take a few more hundred pictures of a sunset. :-)
Getting better by the day...
And the best for last!
I think that one could have made it to a postcard! :-)

And we went back to our accomodation from the previous day, which was great. It even has a working air con unit! luxury!! :-)

We had a new person joining the group tonight, there is a german girl called Laura who joined us today and will travel with us until Broome.

Since a couple of days or so people started changing my name every day and by today I was starting to lose track of my own name, it seems my name is difficult to remember so, first it was Murray, the guide, he couldn't remember my name and thought it was Yoda and started calling me Yoda, do you remember Yoda?

First I thought...well, it's not too bad it could have been could have been Jabba...

Then Sharon (who doesn't have a clue of what StarWars is) missunderstood the name and thought it was Yoga so started calling me Yoga

I told them I didn't care which name they wanted to use but to choose one because I was getting very confused about my own name and every time I heard someone making a sound I was turning my head in case it was yet another new name. So somehow, I still don't know how, the situation escaped my control and ended up with a new name... Yogui...remember yogui the bear?
Anyway by this point everyone was taking his/her own pick and I had my name (completely ignored by everyone), then some people calling me master yoda, others simply yoga and a few cropping up with the Yogui name...

To make the situation wore, Laura decided to start calling me José (no idea why!) at that point I completely gave up and decided to answer to any name, present, past and this time, no only I had to learn everyone's names...I also had to learn all of mines which weren't few!!



  1. Es oficial... Yoda, Yogui, Yoyo, Yado, Jaaba, Yoga, o llames como te llames, te odiamos... o dejas de poner fotos de playas fabulosas y puestas de sol, o me ocuparé personamente de que cuando vengas a Estocolmo esté gris y llueva constantemente!!!

  2. Me temo que se han acabado las playas Australianas...pero todavía me quedan las playas Tailandesas. :-) El 19 llego a Phuket, ¡ya me he comprado el vuelo!
