Thursday 28 January 2010

Day 4 - Cairns


No much to tell about today I´m afraid. The main objective today is to make it to the boat on time. I wouldn´t wanna miss my week in the Great Barrier Reef. :-)

My day started at 5 am and when I say "day" I'm making a very loose use of the word because it was still night. A bunch of idiots who couldn't sleep decided to have a party by my window and I was in one of those states in which you debate yourself on whether to go out and tell the idiots what you think about their ancestry or just close your eyes and keep trying...maybe they´ll go away eventually...and they did go away at 7...but by that time I had already given up on the idea of sleeping...

So I got up and started packing. Checked out was at 10 am, then I took the shuttle to town and loaded with my 3 rocksacks and the sleeping bag I made my way to Mike Ball (the diving centre organising the diving cruise). Today the sun decided to make a strong apperance so by the time I got to the diving centre I was soaking...

I left the main two rocksacks, signed all the paperwork and went for a stroll. Today it was a lazy day, no plans just walk about and relax... so I went to the marina to see the yatchs, laid down by the swimming pool, did a little bit of reading and little more.

I am supposed to meet the crew at 6pm at the meeting point, they´ll pick us up and take us together with our luggage to the yatch/boat or whatever naval vehicle we end up using. I've been warned to have dinner before 6 since all we are going to have at the boat is a champaigne reception with some light snack, after that we´ll depart and navigate all night until we get to the Great Barrier Reef tomorrow morning where all the fun starts! :-)

I´ve been reading the leeflet about what we are going to do and it looks like we´ll be having some night dives. :-) I´ve never done that before...but maybe it´s a good idea...that way in the dark I won't be able to see the shark which is about to take a quick snack with one of my tasty limbs.

There´ll also be some trekking in an island...and I believe we´ll pass by (if not stop) on the famous island of the best job in the world...I´ll be paying attention to the jellyfish there. ;-)

It all sounds pretty cool and I am really looking forward to it. I doubt I'll have access to the internet while on the boat so it is likely this will be my last post for the next 7 days or so but I'll make sure I keep updating the blog although I won't be able to update the content until I make it back to Cairns on the 4th.

The other novelty is that it seems I'm not going to be alone for the next 3 months as I initially expected, on the 4th of Feb when I return from the diving cruise I'll be meeting Aída, the other person that is going to join me for the next 3 months in this almost magical journey across this vast country.

There is a great probability another 2 or even 3 people will join us at other points of the trip as well. It seems Australia is becoming more and more popular in Spain these days.


1 comment:

  1. Have a great time, favorite cousin in the whole world, and beware of sharks, jellyfish... and triggerfishes (those are vicious!)
