Wednesday 6 October 2010

Brazil 2007


As I won't be travelling for a little while I decided to take this opportunity to update the blog with some of the trips I did in the past. Among those there were two trips to Brazil that I did with María and Susana and apart from the hundreds and hundreds of photos I have from those trips, I also have some of the best memories...

I won't be able to update the blog every day but I'll try to add one or two entries a week. There are hundreds of photos, so choosing which to show will already be quite a task, trying to remember all the little places where we stayed will be another. :-)

As some of you already know, Brazil is my favourite country for many reasons. Geography, people, weather, ... you name it, for me it's got all the ticks on the boxes.

The area we visited on our first trip to Brazil is the one marked below:

Something that is hard to grasp for us Europeans is the vast distances in between the different places in Brazil and although initially we were planning on travelling North and South, East and West after looking with some detail to the amount of hours we would be spending flying over the country we realised that our best bet was to stick to just one area and for our first trip we picked Natal. We also spent a few days visiting Río de Janeiro because you can't go to Brazil and not visiting Río...

This first trip took place in December 2007 and one of the first things you'll notice on the pictures is that I really look like the male counterpart of Snow-white, that's what 10 years in England does to your skin. :-)

1 comment:

  1. He got his nickname, "Copito de nieve" (Snow Flake) from this trip... i still chuckle when i remember it...
