Thursday 12 August 2010

Belesar - Ourense - Lobios - PART III


We found an interesting lizard with a blue tail by the waterfall.
I know, it's just a lizard but look at the tail! it's a different colour than the rest of the body...

Anyway, I am not sure what was worse, going down to the pool or coming back both cases we had to do it on our fours and it was quite a steep climb as you can see in this video.

The views were quite nice, a lot of vegetation all around us and as decided to take an alternative path to go back we found what looked like old stables built like the houses in the village, taking advantage of the existing boulders in the area.

From there, we got back to the car and headed to Ourense were we were going to spend the night. When we got there it was quite late but we thought it would be a good idea to go and try out the newly build Spa in Outariz, just because we are worth it. :-)

Now, had Aída been around she probably would have told me off about taking the camera with me and start taking snaps all around but as she wasn't here...once the cat's away...
so...I took as many as I could but in the end one of employees in the place told me it wasn't allowed bringing cameras to the spa due to privacy issues and I had to delete the photos I had taken... I managed to convince him to let me keep the photos. I prentended to have only one photo, the last one where I wasn't breaching anyones's privacy, luckly the guy was nice and allowed me to keep it but I had to take my camera back to the locker room... oh well, at least I've managed to take a few photos. :-)

We probably spent 2-3 hours in the place, it was about 1 am when we left the spa and after the lunch we had had we weren't very hungry but but could eat something so we decided to go and leave our stuff in the flat in Ourense and then to go out and go to the old part of the town to have a drink and grab a bite...

We made it back to the flat at 2:30 am so instead of getting up at 7 am the following day as per our original plan, we opted for having a sleep in and get up at 10:00 am. We had plans for the following day!! :-)


1 comment:

  1. Lo de las termas sí que da envidia... aarrrgghhh!
