Tuesday 6 July 2010

Pozas de Tourón


I know what you are all thinking...shouldn't Yago be working by now?

yes, I should. But the weather is so good over here that it would be a crime to give up all this good weather and go back to such a mundane task as working... It's a hard job keeping you informed of all the good things you can do in Galicia but with resignation and the aim to not dissapoint my dear readers I took this hard task upon myself and now I am on a personal mission. To get the most out of this fantastic month of July.

I am not sure whether I already forgot what it is like to spend a summer in Spain or whether we are having an usually good summer this year. Yesterday I went to the beach at 20:30 pm, yes I know, some people go to sleep at that time but it was sunny and still hot and there were quite a lot of people swimming at that time! Not me though....due to my prolonged exposure to tropical waters now I have a condition called 'cold-water-phobia' also known among the scientific community as 'terror al acqua frigus', swimming on waters under 25C may lead to frostbite and amputation of my beloved limbs. Doctors recommend a prolong period of exposure to work in order for the symptoms to subside.

Anyway, just to show you I am doing interesting things: The other day Miguel and I went to an area known as "Pozas the Tourón" which is like Kakadu in Australia but with cold water and without the crocodiles. :-)

They are situated on the old road from Vigo to Ourense close to Melón.

Tourón is a tiny village in the mountains and "Pozas" is what is known in english as pools. These are natural pools created by a waterfall.

Below is the village of Tourón, as you can see it's really tiny and is mostly abandonned nowadays.

This is not exactly a touristic place is mostly known by locals and weird people like my friend Miguel. O:-)
The path to get there wasn't easy.

and you need good shoes to go there, flip-flops won't cut it. The place is magnificient, it was a pity there was a cloud just on top of us that day because everywhere around was blue sky, clouds free.

Due to my condition I couldn't go for a swim and risk a dramatic limb amputation but Miguel who's been exposed to work for a long time had to problem with it. :-)

After a nice afternoon in the pools it was time to get back home but as always in Galicia travelling also involves trying the local especialities and there is a small town called Cañiza which is renowned by its Serrano Ham, so we stopped there to have some tapas before heading home.

This is the "bar" we've tried
The Spanish omelette was fantastic but the ham itself quite dissapointing despite of the perfect cut. Nonetheless we already found the next place we are gonna try on our next trip around this area.

This is what I call a hard day at the office. :-)
Nice scenery, nice walk, good company and then a nice dinner. Perfect day!

I hope I can tell you about many more trips like this one. :-)


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