Sunday 2 May 2010

Phi Phi Island - Day 3

Today I had 3 courses, deep dive, navigation and night dive. I did the first two in the morning and the last one took place at night as its title indicates. :-)

The first one was the deep dive.

It wasn't that deep, only 27 metres but we did an exercise on the boat and then again at 27 metres and it took me twice the time to complete the very same exercise. Amazing... you feel normal like nothing has changed...but it has... also the colours change, infrareds are the first to go so instead of red you see some kind of brownish shade.

After that we went for some fun dive armed with my new budy, Mr digital underwater camera. :-)

I took some really cool pictures

Another sea slug
What an ugly fella!

When we got to this point, Daniel, my instructor, was asking me to take pictures of something, I got closer and took the next two pictures thinking they were awsome

But no, what he wanted me to capture was this
Anemone crabs!

I still prefer the clown fish though. :-)
And this was a very impresive coral forest, as wide and long as your eyes could reach...

On the second dive it was even better! We even saw a leopard shark! and a turtle too. :-)

And this is it! the leopard shark!

Then we went back to Phi Phi to take a break, have diner etc to reconvene at 6pm for the night dive. Daniel, the instructor, told me yesterday all the instructors of the island went together to the wreck and he was trying an ultraviolet torch (like the one the use in CSI when searching for blood and some other...fluids) and everyone wanted to buy one after the dive. So now it was my turn to find out what was all the fuzz about this Ultraviolet light on a night dive...

I'm not sure whether the problem was my mask or that in reality there was very little visibility, but I could not see a thing! not even 10cm in front of me. I was getting water in my mask all the time so I spent  most of the dive just purging this water. There was a strong storm outside and we could feel the lightening, that was awsome!. Because of the torch and the compass I couldn't carry anything else, hence no photos...which is a shame because through my more than watery mask I've managed to see a barracuda hunting and a squid. :-)

As far as the ultraviolet light...I'd wish I could see anything through my mask beyond 10 cm I'm sure it was quite a view, perhaps another time...

I didn't enjoy the night dive as much as any of the other 4 dives I did in Phi Phi and as a night dive goes, I enjoyed much more the ones I did in Australia but overall diving in Phi Phi was a lot of fun and I quite enjoyed it. No regrets in doing the 2 day course. :-) Best part of all is that now I am qualified to go down to 30 metres which will allow me to go to some of the best wreck dives in the world. There is a pretty good one in Cyprus where I'll be going in August... :-)

Ah, also, as today I was the only person going for a night dive, instead of going in the diving boat we used during the day, we went in one of those typical thai dingies...this is what they look like...

it was quite an experience as well, and as I was coming out of it on the way back I injured my left foot. Nothing serious, just a cut. I just hope it won't prevent me from doing the rock climbing tomorrow.

And those were my first 3 days in Phi Phi island. Tomorrow I'll attempt rock climbing in the afternoon. It'll be my first time rock climbing so I'm really looking forward to it. :-)


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