Wednesday 20 January 2016


The next step on our holiday was Olinda, one of the best preserved colonial cities in Brazil. The plan was to spend a day there, recover from the jungle/river experience and then fly to Fernando de Noronha for the final part of our holidays.

From the airport of Santarém we took a flight to Recife with 3 stops Belém, Sao Luís, Fortaleza and finally Recife. Every time we stopped, some people would leave the plain and some would board the plain... the best part was that we would get breakfast every time... so 3 breakfast later we made our way to Recife. :-)

Due to our latest experiences in the jungle and the river we took everything they gave us and the things we couldn't eat, we just chucked them in in our rucksacks... blankets included!!! we left nothing behind because now we knew that you never know what's going to happen next so as they say... hope for the best but prepare for the worst...

Once in Recife we negotiated the price with a taxi driver and he took us to Olinda. I can't remember who made the booking for the hotel we stayed in whether it was María or Susana but let me tell you... after all we went through for the past days the hotel they booked felt like a piece of heaven...

Pousada dos quatro cantos.

Clean, peaceful, spacious... it almost brought tears to my eyes...:-)

We dropped our luggage and off we went for some exploration...

The streets still preserve the cobblestones and the original colonial architecture

In the distance you can see the contrast with the new city (Recife)

As a good and proper colonial town, there were lots of Churches... and I mean... LOTS!

Even inside they were quite impressive. 

In between Olinda and Recife there was a little bit of green separating the two...

Every building was full of colour

The sea wasn't too far away

We did quite a little bit of walking that day... it was nice and peaceful... 

Then we stopped for a beer and some dinner just before heading back to the hotel...

What we didn't count on was the Bachata concert on the same street as our hotel, not sure whether it was a daily occurrence or it was just for us, but we were so tired that even with the music at full blast and the windows open we slept all night...

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