Thursday 4 November 2010

The sand experience


When you think of Brazil, the first thing that springs to mind, my mind anyway, is the beach and the Amazon jungle... it never crossed my mind there could be areas that look just like the Sahara desert...

The light and the colours were truly amazing and it's difficult to describe the experience... it may just be sand but you could see reddish sand on one side and right at the end some yellowish sand... and then bleached white sand... all in one spot! in some places it was so geometrical that it almost looked artificial.

Some of these pictures look like taken in the Sahara desert don't they?

These is an area with lots of dunes that go deep inland (a few kilometres). The whiter the sand the longer it has been exposed to the bleaching effect of the sun, the yellow and red sand still preserve their colour which means that area has been recently exposed to the light and when I say recently I mean geologically recently...i.e  a few tens of thousand of years.

In the morning we went to see an area fully covered by dunes for many kilometres all around... it felt like being in a movie were the lead actors get lost in the desert...

Then the music sounds and they start singing... 

sorry, wrong movie. O:-) I couldn't help myself, the above photo was asking for it! :-)

What we did do was to walk and run about

As you can see on the above photo we were hating every minute of this trip. :-)

 After that, we went back to the car and back to the beach. We still had plenty to see by the coast...

And we changed the white sandy dunes for the yellow and reddish sandy dunes. :-)

and in some odd occasions we even got to see some other living beings

and the views from the top of the dune were fantastic!

Although all the climbing up and down wasn't easy if you have ever tried to climb up a small sandy dune you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't... imagine walking through lots and lots of sand that sink your feet with every step and fill up your shoes with some extra weight and you are going up on a steep climb... I can tell you, even with a small dune you'll make your body earn its food...

At dinner, after eating like a plague of locust we went out again to another place surrounded by dunes from where we could admire the sunset and take a few photographs...

I forgot to mention that before I came to this trip I had bought a new camera specially for this trip and I was very proud of my acquisition but fate had its own plans and below you can see the very last picture I've managed to squeeze out of that camera...

Right after that picture, Sandro decided to show us how to push someone down the dune and María showed us all how once someone push you, you can take them down with you all the way to hell, Susana and I didn't take much time in joining in and a few minutes later we were all buried in sand and so was my dearest camera...

Sandro and I opened it up and cleaned it bit by bit but still nothing... it just refused to work... so from that point onwards I stopped taking pictures...luckily for me María and Susana still had two good working cameras and weren't afraid to use them so you'll be able to see the pictures from the rest of the trip...

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